Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Future beginning in 2007!!

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2006 to put it in the past where it belongs so that I can look to the future.

2006 has been a year of personal growth for me. I've learned a lot about internet marketing and a variety of online income streams that I wasn't open to previously due to vast skepticism. As far as I was concerned, there were no truly viable income streams online except maybe Ebay if you felt like running around to yard sales every weekend. I couldn't have been further from the truth. There are amazing opportunities available if one can open their mind to something new. I would like to thank everyone that I've met over the course of the last year. You've all been amazing and I've learned so much from all of you.

I'd like to give a special thanks to several people who've changed my life this year either with inspiration, education, or friendship. A warm thanks goes out to:

My wife Amber and my 3 children (Katie, Arielle, and my Little Buddy - James Alexander) - You all know I love you and adore you all more than anything in this world. You are the only things that keep me from having an attitude like The Rich Jerk.

Kyle - You've been a great friend this year and I continue to learn and grow because of the knowledge you give me.

Tony - the admin of 14 Daily Plus, for his commitment to his program. Through the ups and downs, he remains focused and unwilling to "throw in the towel". Through 14 Daily Plus, I've met so many amazing people.

Amen Singh - My business partner with Surfers Source. Thanks for all your efforts in helping put together the "Leading Edge Surf Sourcenator"! Always wishing you success in all that you do and hoping someday, you'll be giving me a tour of Sydney, Australia!

Peter Walsh - the creator of Pajama Paychecks, for allowing me to learn from him through not only his product but through the advice he's given me through Instant Messenger.

Holly Mann - Author of my most influential e-books of 2006. Honest Riches was truly an inspiration to me and I thank Holly for that.

Patrick Locke - Owner of Locke Media. Thanks for your web development support in the past, present and future! Without you, my websites would be trash! You've been a great friend through the years!

Davin Ogden - Owner of Luv Computers. Another techie in the online marketing world I've found hard to find. It's been great chatting with Davin since meeting through helping people in Holly Manns forums.

Many Many more - I don't want this to get too long. I could go on and on with those that have touched me in some way through their efforts in helping others. Just know, if you know me, have heard me, or I've heard you, you've touched me in some way and I thank you for that.

Looking to 2007:

I am very excited about 2007. I'm looking forward to this upcoming year with anticipation like I've never had before. I think that this new year will be exciting and profitable for all of those that are willing to take chances in trying new things and finding what works for them.

I plan on launching at least 5 new websites this year that I believe will be exciting for many and help many people earn a living completely online.

As so many have said before me, "Believe and you can achieve!". I firmly believe this more than ever. I think that I've had a lot of mental blocks in the past that have been limiting my income, and each day I strive to let go of each of these and open my mind to new thoughts and processes in my every day life.

If you've not taken the time to watch The Secret, please take the time as soon as possible if not right now. For $4.95, this movie can literally change your life! After watching the one time viewing for $4.95, I couldn't resist spending the other 30 bucks to actually purchase the DVD. I can't think of a more moving video that I've watched this year.

Wishing Each of you a Success and Motivated New Year!!

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