Monday, December 18, 2006

Live Web Conferences

I've began hosting Live Web Conferences with one of my websites (Surfers Source). On the first Web Conference, we had Lee Todd (Invest With Trust) on the call talking about the new arena of Paid-To-Surf Sites. He believes that there is definitely opportunity in this arena for the first part of 2007 to make a ton of cash.

During our Second Conference on Friday, December 15, 2006, Lee was not available for an update, and I was left talking about Affiliate Marketing for an hour! Being new to this industry myself, I cannot offer the advice of the experts (Anyone know an expert that would like to do a 30 minute segment?), but I could still share what I'm learning.

We talked about starting a free blog and some good e-books (same listed on this site), and other forums that are great for the beginner. I'm learning tons!

Gaining access to forums is usually more valuable than the content in the e-books because you can learn so much from others.

For more information on the Live Web Conferences and to come learn with us, please visit Surfers Source. I look forward to seeing new folks on there.

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