Monday, December 18, 2006

RSS Feeds - Blog Management

I've been reading blogs for some time. When I'd find an interesting blog, I would create a Bookmark/Favorite under a "Blogs" folder in the bookmarks/favorites.

Well, as I've begun to read more and more blogs, it can really become a pain to read several blogs and click on the different bookmarks.

Now, I've discovered Google Reader a FREE blog management software. I didn't find this by accident. I asked a web developer friend if there was something that one could use to view blogs in a single spot like e-mail. This is what he offered.

Here's how this works.. On most blogs, even on mine (Although, I still have to figure out why it's all the way at the bottom of this page), you will see a "Subscribe" link. If you signup for a FREE Google account and add Google Reader as a service, you can subcribe to the blogs and choose Google Reader as your "Subscribe to this feed using..." option.

Now, when you login to google and go to the reader, you will now be able to choose each blog and read the new posts.. It will show if they've been read already, etc.

Very nifty tool for those like me that are reading more and more blogs!

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