I've reviewed quite a few of the products that I've purchased in recent months, but there is a product coming up that I'm just excited about!!
I'm not supposed to give out the link to this website just yet, but, I just can't resist. For anyone REALLY desiring to make money online in 2007, this is going to be one of the first products you should purchase this year. I'm telling you, this will be worth EVERY penny that you're going to spend.
I've been privileged enough to get a preview of the product and I'm AMAZED!! I told Peter that he's GIVING AWAY this product at the price that he's offering it.
If you want more information about the product and to hear from the Author of one of 2007's best buys, please stay tuned, because he's agreed to be on one of my web conferences!!! I will keep you posted on this or, you can subscribe to this blog using Google Reader.
Ok, this is in prelaunch for a couple more days as of this post, but be sure to check out Pajama Paycheck. Get on the list, and don't miss the opportunities that this presents.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy Future beginning in 2007!!
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2006 to put it in the past where it belongs so that I can look to the future.
2006 has been a year of personal growth for me. I've learned a lot about internet marketing and a variety of online income streams that I wasn't open to previously due to vast skepticism. As far as I was concerned, there were no truly viable income streams online except maybe Ebay if you felt like running around to yard sales every weekend. I couldn't have been further from the truth. There are amazing opportunities available if one can open their mind to something new. I would like to thank everyone that I've met over the course of the last year. You've all been amazing and I've learned so much from all of you.
I'd like to give a special thanks to several people who've changed my life this year either with inspiration, education, or friendship. A warm thanks goes out to:
My wife Amber and my 3 children (Katie, Arielle, and my Little Buddy - James Alexander) - You all know I love you and adore you all more than anything in this world. You are the only things that keep me from having an attitude like The Rich Jerk.
Kyle - You've been a great friend this year and I continue to learn and grow because of the knowledge you give me.
Tony - the admin of 14 Daily Plus, for his commitment to his program. Through the ups and downs, he remains focused and unwilling to "throw in the towel". Through 14 Daily Plus, I've met so many amazing people.
Amen Singh - My business partner with Surfers Source. Thanks for all your efforts in helping put together the "Leading Edge Surf Sourcenator"! Always wishing you success in all that you do and hoping someday, you'll be giving me a tour of Sydney, Australia!
Peter Walsh - the creator of Pajama Paychecks, for allowing me to learn from him through not only his product but through the advice he's given me through Instant Messenger.
Holly Mann - Author of my most influential e-books of 2006. Honest Riches was truly an inspiration to me and I thank Holly for that.
Patrick Locke - Owner of Locke Media. Thanks for your web development support in the past, present and future! Without you, my websites would be trash! You've been a great friend through the years!
Davin Ogden - Owner of Luv Computers. Another techie in the online marketing world I've found hard to find. It's been great chatting with Davin since meeting through helping people in Holly Manns forums.
Many Many more - I don't want this to get too long. I could go on and on with those that have touched me in some way through their efforts in helping others. Just know, if you know me, have heard me, or I've heard you, you've touched me in some way and I thank you for that.
Looking to 2007:
I am very excited about 2007. I'm looking forward to this upcoming year with anticipation like I've never had before. I think that this new year will be exciting and profitable for all of those that are willing to take chances in trying new things and finding what works for them.
I plan on launching at least 5 new websites this year that I believe will be exciting for many and help many people earn a living completely online.
As so many have said before me, "Believe and you can achieve!". I firmly believe this more than ever. I think that I've had a lot of mental blocks in the past that have been limiting my income, and each day I strive to let go of each of these and open my mind to new thoughts and processes in my every day life.
If you've not taken the time to watch The Secret, please take the time as soon as possible if not right now. For $4.95, this movie can literally change your life! After watching the one time viewing for $4.95, I couldn't resist spending the other 30 bucks to actually purchase the DVD. I can't think of a more moving video that I've watched this year.
Wishing Each of you a Success and Motivated New Year!!
2006 has been a year of personal growth for me. I've learned a lot about internet marketing and a variety of online income streams that I wasn't open to previously due to vast skepticism. As far as I was concerned, there were no truly viable income streams online except maybe Ebay if you felt like running around to yard sales every weekend. I couldn't have been further from the truth. There are amazing opportunities available if one can open their mind to something new. I would like to thank everyone that I've met over the course of the last year. You've all been amazing and I've learned so much from all of you.
I'd like to give a special thanks to several people who've changed my life this year either with inspiration, education, or friendship. A warm thanks goes out to:
My wife Amber and my 3 children (Katie, Arielle, and my Little Buddy - James Alexander) - You all know I love you and adore you all more than anything in this world. You are the only things that keep me from having an attitude like The Rich Jerk.
Kyle - You've been a great friend this year and I continue to learn and grow because of the knowledge you give me.
Tony - the admin of 14 Daily Plus, for his commitment to his program. Through the ups and downs, he remains focused and unwilling to "throw in the towel". Through 14 Daily Plus, I've met so many amazing people.
Amen Singh - My business partner with Surfers Source. Thanks for all your efforts in helping put together the "Leading Edge Surf Sourcenator"! Always wishing you success in all that you do and hoping someday, you'll be giving me a tour of Sydney, Australia!
Peter Walsh - the creator of Pajama Paychecks, for allowing me to learn from him through not only his product but through the advice he's given me through Instant Messenger.
Holly Mann - Author of my most influential e-books of 2006. Honest Riches was truly an inspiration to me and I thank Holly for that.
Patrick Locke - Owner of Locke Media. Thanks for your web development support in the past, present and future! Without you, my websites would be trash! You've been a great friend through the years!
Davin Ogden - Owner of Luv Computers. Another techie in the online marketing world I've found hard to find. It's been great chatting with Davin since meeting through helping people in Holly Manns forums.
Many Many more - I don't want this to get too long. I could go on and on with those that have touched me in some way through their efforts in helping others. Just know, if you know me, have heard me, or I've heard you, you've touched me in some way and I thank you for that.
Looking to 2007:
I am very excited about 2007. I'm looking forward to this upcoming year with anticipation like I've never had before. I think that this new year will be exciting and profitable for all of those that are willing to take chances in trying new things and finding what works for them.
I plan on launching at least 5 new websites this year that I believe will be exciting for many and help many people earn a living completely online.
As so many have said before me, "Believe and you can achieve!". I firmly believe this more than ever. I think that I've had a lot of mental blocks in the past that have been limiting my income, and each day I strive to let go of each of these and open my mind to new thoughts and processes in my every day life.
If you've not taken the time to watch The Secret, please take the time as soon as possible if not right now. For $4.95, this movie can literally change your life! After watching the one time viewing for $4.95, I couldn't resist spending the other 30 bucks to actually purchase the DVD. I can't think of a more moving video that I've watched this year.
Wishing Each of you a Success and Motivated New Year!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
RSS Feeds - Blog Management
I've been reading blogs for some time. When I'd find an interesting blog, I would create a Bookmark/Favorite under a "Blogs" folder in the bookmarks/favorites.
Well, as I've begun to read more and more blogs, it can really become a pain to read several blogs and click on the different bookmarks.
Now, I've discovered Google Reader a FREE blog management software. I didn't find this by accident. I asked a web developer friend if there was something that one could use to view blogs in a single spot like e-mail. This is what he offered.
Here's how this works.. On most blogs, even on mine (Although, I still have to figure out why it's all the way at the bottom of this page), you will see a "Subscribe" link. If you signup for a FREE Google account and add Google Reader as a service, you can subcribe to the blogs and choose Google Reader as your "Subscribe to this feed using..." option.
Now, when you login to google and go to the reader, you will now be able to choose each blog and read the new posts.. It will show if they've been read already, etc.
Very nifty tool for those like me that are reading more and more blogs!
Well, as I've begun to read more and more blogs, it can really become a pain to read several blogs and click on the different bookmarks.
Now, I've discovered Google Reader a FREE blog management software. I didn't find this by accident. I asked a web developer friend if there was something that one could use to view blogs in a single spot like e-mail. This is what he offered.
Here's how this works.. On most blogs, even on mine (Although, I still have to figure out why it's all the way at the bottom of this page), you will see a "Subscribe" link. If you signup for a FREE Google account and add Google Reader as a service, you can subcribe to the blogs and choose Google Reader as your "Subscribe to this feed using..." option.
Now, when you login to google and go to the reader, you will now be able to choose each blog and read the new posts.. It will show if they've been read already, etc.
Very nifty tool for those like me that are reading more and more blogs!
Live Web Conferences
I've began hosting Live Web Conferences with one of my websites (Surfers Source). On the first Web Conference, we had Lee Todd (Invest With Trust) on the call talking about the new arena of Paid-To-Surf Sites. He believes that there is definitely opportunity in this arena for the first part of 2007 to make a ton of cash.
During our Second Conference on Friday, December 15, 2006, Lee was not available for an update, and I was left talking about Affiliate Marketing for an hour! Being new to this industry myself, I cannot offer the advice of the experts (Anyone know an expert that would like to do a 30 minute segment?), but I could still share what I'm learning.
We talked about starting a free blog and some good e-books (same listed on this site), and other forums that are great for the beginner. I'm learning tons!
Gaining access to forums is usually more valuable than the content in the e-books because you can learn so much from others.
For more information on the Live Web Conferences and to come learn with us, please visit Surfers Source. I look forward to seeing new folks on there.
During our Second Conference on Friday, December 15, 2006, Lee was not available for an update, and I was left talking about Affiliate Marketing for an hour! Being new to this industry myself, I cannot offer the advice of the experts (Anyone know an expert that would like to do a 30 minute segment?), but I could still share what I'm learning.
We talked about starting a free blog and some good e-books (same listed on this site), and other forums that are great for the beginner. I'm learning tons!
Gaining access to forums is usually more valuable than the content in the e-books because you can learn so much from others.
For more information on the Live Web Conferences and to come learn with us, please visit Surfers Source. I look forward to seeing new folks on there.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Mike Filsaime - ButterFly Marketing Manuscript
For a while now, I've been studying Affiliate Marketing. In several blogs, forums, and websites, one thing kept coming up... Butterfly Marketing by a marketing genius named Mike Filsaime.
Today, while looking continuing to study, I came across the site once again.. I decided to bite the bullet and make the purchase. WOW!! This guy is incredible!
I'm 1/2 way through this manuscript and I don't want to put it down!! Why am I here telling you about it? Because I can hardly stay awake and I don't know what tomorrow holds!
If you have an interest in affiliate marketing, I encourage you to definitely check out "The Butterfly Marketing" by Mike Filsaime.
There are several things that I did already know and understand, but after 60 pages of the 124 page manuscript, I feel like I've gotten my money worth!
Soon, I will try to list off some of the things that I learned from this e-book. Don't wait to make the purchase if you're interested because I don't think this book will be available forever at its current price.
For a while now, I've been studying Affiliate Marketing. In several blogs, forums, and websites, one thing kept coming up... Butterfly Marketing by a marketing genius named Mike Filsaime.
Today, while looking continuing to study, I came across the site once again.. I decided to bite the bullet and make the purchase. WOW!! This guy is incredible!
I'm 1/2 way through this manuscript and I don't want to put it down!! Why am I here telling you about it? Because I can hardly stay awake and I don't know what tomorrow holds!
If you have an interest in affiliate marketing, I encourage you to definitely check out "The Butterfly Marketing" by Mike Filsaime.
There are several things that I did already know and understand, but after 60 pages of the 124 page manuscript, I feel like I've gotten my money worth!
Soon, I will try to list off some of the things that I learned from this e-book. Don't wait to make the purchase if you're interested because I don't think this book will be available forever at its current price.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Protecting Your System
Today, I've decided to talk about Protecting Your System. I feel like too many people out there just don't have a clue as to what they should be doing to protect themselves on the Internet.
It's a nasty place full of viruses, adware, spyware, malware, and hackers just dying to get access to your identity, bank accounts, or just generally make computer life not fun.
There are many things that you can and should be doing to protect yourselves. Instead of talking about all of that here, I pulled a chapter from my E-book (don't make fun of my site and the methods.. I'm still learning! I'll get setup with Clickbank or something soon) and I'm making this 1 chapter available absolutely FREE by clicking HERE.
I hope you enjoy. Feel free (and please do) comment about the download.
It's a nasty place full of viruses, adware, spyware, malware, and hackers just dying to get access to your identity, bank accounts, or just generally make computer life not fun.
There are many things that you can and should be doing to protect yourselves. Instead of talking about all of that here, I pulled a chapter from my E-book (don't make fun of my site and the methods.. I'm still learning! I'll get setup with Clickbank or something soon) and I'm making this 1 chapter available absolutely FREE by clicking HERE.
I hope you enjoy. Feel free (and please do) comment about the download.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Setting Goals like a Child
This will be a short post and hopefully, some food for thought.
In my post earlier this evening, I got to thinking about setting goals. Like many things, we can learn a lot from children. Those of you with children will especially understand.
Have you ever watched the determination of a child to achieve their goals? No obstacle can't be overcome.. well except someone 10 times your size grabbing you under the arms and taking you away. Ever taken something from a 1 or 2 year old and set it within their sight? They will move toys, chairs, pillows, whatever it takes into place to achieve their goals.
I've found my 3 year old reaching ON TOP OF THE REFRIDGERATOR!! It took a stool balanced on top of a chair to get on top of a cabinet and bread box to reach, but she wanted the candy up there. She knew exactly what she wanted and she made it happen!
Where do we lose that in life? What makes us lose the determination we once had as a child?
Side Note: While elephants are small, their trainers attach GIANT links of chains around their necks and stake the chain deep into the ground. The young elephant tugs and pulls at the chain until finally, it realizes that it cannot get loose. As adults, they can tie a rope to a little wooden stake in the ground and the elephant doesn't attempt to break free of the chains that bind it.
Something to ponder: What conditions us to not try anymore? What makes us stop stacking chairs, pillows, stools, books, etc. to get to what we want? (I'm truly looking for input here. I don't know).
Perhaps, we should look at the proverbial rope that's keeping us from being free. Maybe it is just a tiny little rope holding us back that once we pull up the tiny little stake in the ground, and take it off our neck, we can be free to beat the world!
In my post earlier this evening, I got to thinking about setting goals. Like many things, we can learn a lot from children. Those of you with children will especially understand.
Have you ever watched the determination of a child to achieve their goals? No obstacle can't be overcome.. well except someone 10 times your size grabbing you under the arms and taking you away. Ever taken something from a 1 or 2 year old and set it within their sight? They will move toys, chairs, pillows, whatever it takes into place to achieve their goals.
I've found my 3 year old reaching ON TOP OF THE REFRIDGERATOR!! It took a stool balanced on top of a chair to get on top of a cabinet and bread box to reach, but she wanted the candy up there. She knew exactly what she wanted and she made it happen!
Where do we lose that in life? What makes us lose the determination we once had as a child?
Side Note: While elephants are small, their trainers attach GIANT links of chains around their necks and stake the chain deep into the ground. The young elephant tugs and pulls at the chain until finally, it realizes that it cannot get loose. As adults, they can tie a rope to a little wooden stake in the ground and the elephant doesn't attempt to break free of the chains that bind it.
Something to ponder: What conditions us to not try anymore? What makes us stop stacking chairs, pillows, stools, books, etc. to get to what we want? (I'm truly looking for input here. I don't know).
Perhaps, we should look at the proverbial rope that's keeping us from being free. Maybe it is just a tiny little rope holding us back that once we pull up the tiny little stake in the ground, and take it off our neck, we can be free to beat the world!
Affiliate Marketings Attraction
For almost a year now, I've been involved in the Paid-To-Surf Industry. I've built down lines in programs, I've made money, I've lost some. I even wrote an e-book about the "industry".
Being involved as long as I have, I've seen many programs fall. I've seen many people lose money instead of make money online. These people are all the same as me. They were looking for a way to earn money online. They saw the potential, but were blinded by the $$$$ and missed the risk involved. Having said this, I'm still a fan of a couple select PTS sites. I won't go into that here, because that isn't what I'm talking about in this blog.
Only recently did I come across "The Rich Jerk" in one of these surfing programs. I'd seen it before. I'd read most of it. I don't know what attracted me to read it again. Eventually, after pondering getting sucked into another internet scam, I decided to make the purchase. I read the entire book. I checked out their forums (I LOVE FORUMS!!). I thought about what he was saying (or at least what his marketing department was saying :) )
While searching around on ClickBank for a "niche", I came across "Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed" by Holly Mann. I bought it, I read it. Now, I can't get enough information about affiliate marketing. I can't learn enough about blogs, SEO, AdSense, AdWords, Articles, etc.
This is something that the average "online money maker" can do. Perhaps not something they can be as successful as the gurus out there. But success should be defined individually. Reaching almost 50 subscribers on one of my latest sites is something I consider successful. By some standards, that might be considered low. But to me, I considered in a months time 50 subscribers in a niche market awesome!
In affiliate marketing, you get to sell other peoples products for them. It's win win. You don't have to create something yourself, and you make money.
Designing Web Sites these days are as simple as creating a Word Document in most cases. Designing an SEO site isn't the easiest thing in the world until you're knowledgeable in that arena. As you create a site, you can go back and work on these "tweaks" as you learn more. You don't have to start out huge.
There are many to follow that have been huge successes online. Study them. Learn from them. Google Search Engine is your friend! Find a forum with a warm community to ask questions and learn from the pros. Remember my philosophy -- The only dumb questions are the questions not asked (or the questions already answered by using the "search" function). The internet is HUGE place!! Don't let anyone tell you there's not room for you.
Here is a starting place for anyone interested in achievements in life:
What's a starting point for the aspiring Affiliate Marketer? I'd say start with the Holly Mann's e-book and follow the lead of a leader!
Being involved as long as I have, I've seen many programs fall. I've seen many people lose money instead of make money online. These people are all the same as me. They were looking for a way to earn money online. They saw the potential, but were blinded by the $$$$ and missed the risk involved. Having said this, I'm still a fan of a couple select PTS sites. I won't go into that here, because that isn't what I'm talking about in this blog.
Only recently did I come across "The Rich Jerk" in one of these surfing programs. I'd seen it before. I'd read most of it. I don't know what attracted me to read it again. Eventually, after pondering getting sucked into another internet scam, I decided to make the purchase. I read the entire book. I checked out their forums (I LOVE FORUMS!!). I thought about what he was saying (or at least what his marketing department was saying :) )
While searching around on ClickBank for a "niche", I came across "Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed" by Holly Mann. I bought it, I read it. Now, I can't get enough information about affiliate marketing. I can't learn enough about blogs, SEO, AdSense, AdWords, Articles, etc.
This is something that the average "online money maker" can do. Perhaps not something they can be as successful as the gurus out there. But success should be defined individually. Reaching almost 50 subscribers on one of my latest sites is something I consider successful. By some standards, that might be considered low. But to me, I considered in a months time 50 subscribers in a niche market awesome!
In affiliate marketing, you get to sell other peoples products for them. It's win win. You don't have to create something yourself, and you make money.
Designing Web Sites these days are as simple as creating a Word Document in most cases. Designing an SEO site isn't the easiest thing in the world until you're knowledgeable in that arena. As you create a site, you can go back and work on these "tweaks" as you learn more. You don't have to start out huge.
There are many to follow that have been huge successes online. Study them. Learn from them. Google Search Engine is your friend! Find a forum with a warm community to ask questions and learn from the pros. Remember my philosophy -- The only dumb questions are the questions not asked (or the questions already answered by using the "search" function). The internet is HUGE place!! Don't let anyone tell you there's not room for you.
Here is a starting place for anyone interested in achievements in life:
- Set Goals.
- This is the first step in anything
- Write them down.
- If you don't, they'll be lost in lifes obstacles.
- Believe you can attain them!
- What you believe, you can achieve!
- Start working toward your goals.
- Baby steps. Learn from mentors. (There are many in Affiliate Marketing)
What's a starting point for the aspiring Affiliate Marketer? I'd say start with the Holly Mann's e-book and follow the lead of a leader!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Honest Riches by Holly Mann
Holly Mann, the author of "Honest Riches" is a very intelligent marketer and author. If you'd like more information about her, you can find information on her website here. Just click on the "My Story" link on the right hand side in the navigation bar.
In summary of her, she's ex-military and I'm sure works full time as a mother.. was broke, moved to Thailand to survive, and after only a few short months, she was earning a living online.
This book costs about 20 bucks. It's 54 pages and almost every page is chalked full of information that she's attained over the years in earning a substantial income online. I've read a ton of e-books on generating money online, but never anything like this. She covers everything from the top to the bottom. You can't walk away from this e-book feeling like you just got jipped like so many other e-books have left me feeling.
For 20 dollars, she's basically giving this e-book away. Now, not only (here we go right? lol) do you get the e-book, but she also offers many bonuses along with the e-book and some found only in the e-book.
However, one of the greatest things that you can walk away from this e-book is access to her forums and all the individuals that come together as a community online and share information with each other and desire to help people learn to earn on the internet.
If you've not read "Honest Riches", please take the time to make this purchase. It could very well be the expense to change your life! If you don't like it, there's a money-back guarantee.
James Oliver
In summary of her, she's ex-military and I'm sure works full time as a mother.. was broke, moved to Thailand to survive, and after only a few short months, she was earning a living online.
This book costs about 20 bucks. It's 54 pages and almost every page is chalked full of information that she's attained over the years in earning a substantial income online. I've read a ton of e-books on generating money online, but never anything like this. She covers everything from the top to the bottom. You can't walk away from this e-book feeling like you just got jipped like so many other e-books have left me feeling.
For 20 dollars, she's basically giving this e-book away. Now, not only (here we go right? lol) do you get the e-book, but she also offers many bonuses along with the e-book and some found only in the e-book.
However, one of the greatest things that you can walk away from this e-book is access to her forums and all the individuals that come together as a community online and share information with each other and desire to help people learn to earn on the internet.
If you've not read "Honest Riches", please take the time to make this purchase. It could very well be the expense to change your life! If you don't like it, there's a money-back guarantee.
James Oliver
Many people on the internet today are seeking out a means of earning at least some bonus money on the internet. Wouldn't it be nice to learn how to at least earn enough money online every month to cover the expense of the internet in your home or office?
What about earning enough money online to pay for your new car payment? What if you could pay off your student loans in a year? A few months, weeks, days?
What about paying for a house with cash?
By now, I hope your not thinking, "Oh, here we go again. Some new B.S. hyped up blog". Because that's not my intention. I literally BELIEVE that it's possible to achieve financial wealth on the internet and use it to invest in other long term investments that will allow you to sustain wealth for the long term. After all, who wants to be rich for a short while?
First, don't even bother reading on if you're just seeking some new means of making a quick buck. I can't tell you how to do that. You're wasting your time here.
Secondly, if you're looking for happiness in money, good luck. You're also are wasting your time.
If you are a looking for a way to help each month with your financial situation and grow into something much, much better, then become equipped with the right knowledge and when applied properly, you can attain wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
I'd like to recommend that anyone reading this blog please watch "The Secret". This is a great video created just for those that are looking for a rhyme and reason to why they're broke or why things "never go their way". If you can't afford to purchase the DVD, spend the 5 bucks to watch the movie online. It's a one time viewing, but it will have you wanting to watch the movie over and over again.
Let's focus on earning a substantial internet income starting a shoe-string budget and become successful together. I believe that this can be and will be accomplished.
It will not be the fastest way to the top, but will definitely be an experience.
Here is something to think about:
Hope you enjoy what follows.
What about earning enough money online to pay for your new car payment? What if you could pay off your student loans in a year? A few months, weeks, days?
What about paying for a house with cash?
By now, I hope your not thinking, "Oh, here we go again. Some new B.S. hyped up blog". Because that's not my intention. I literally BELIEVE that it's possible to achieve financial wealth on the internet and use it to invest in other long term investments that will allow you to sustain wealth for the long term. After all, who wants to be rich for a short while?
First, don't even bother reading on if you're just seeking some new means of making a quick buck. I can't tell you how to do that. You're wasting your time here.
Secondly, if you're looking for happiness in money, good luck. You're also are wasting your time.
If you are a looking for a way to help each month with your financial situation and grow into something much, much better, then become equipped with the right knowledge and when applied properly, you can attain wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
I'd like to recommend that anyone reading this blog please watch "The Secret". This is a great video created just for those that are looking for a rhyme and reason to why they're broke or why things "never go their way". If you can't afford to purchase the DVD, spend the 5 bucks to watch the movie online. It's a one time viewing, but it will have you wanting to watch the movie over and over again.
Let's focus on earning a substantial internet income starting a shoe-string budget and become successful together. I believe that this can be and will be accomplished.
It will not be the fastest way to the top, but will definitely be an experience.
Here is something to think about:
- Web Blogs are FREE.. Your very own FREE WEBSITE. (Many use blogs to promote products)
- Affiliate Marketing is FREE!
- Article Submission is FREE!
- Forums are FREE!
- Even some Advice is FREE!
Hope you enjoy what follows.
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